drives me insane: Part 1 is the WORST salesforce tool, except for all the others.
I have a lot of gripes with sales force tools, and I’ve yet to find one that is actually functional for all people in the organization. I think that did one thing well. They provided a tool that lets sales managers get a pipeline report and since its an online tool, the minute a sales person updates their information from anywhere in the world, that pipeline is up to date. No syncing – no installs, etc.
However, the tool is so cumbersome and hard to use, I hardly think they ever actually sat down and USED the tool themselves. Salespeople would be MUCH more willing to use the tool and put information in if the tool was quick and easy to use. The interface is atrocious. (The new User Experience guy at my company is phenominal and I’d love to get his thoughts on it).
When I was a salesperson, I HATED using I used anything and everything outside of the tool and then only put in what my boss required me to put in. I know thats what my salesguys do now.
I’m experimenting with some new tools now like HighRise and Pipeline Deals to see if I can find anything more functional – and less restricting.
I’ll explain my complaints in more detail in future posts. And I’ll also review both of the above products.