QuotaCrush began as a simple blog on sales strategies and sales management by Mark I LaRosa. At the beginning of pipeline calls, I would give the “sales tip” of the week and one of my salespeople suggested that I start collecting these ideas into a blog. QuotaCrush was born.
Then, as time progressed, as most entrepreneurs do, I found myself seeing a great need in the market that was minimally fulfilled. There are lots of great companies started by lots of great entrepreneurs – but a great number of those entrepreneurs are not salespeople. They know that their product SHOULD be valuable and able to be sold – but they don’t know how. And… a lot of those entrepreneurs don’t have the volume or the cash to keep a true VP of sales interested.
So… QuotaCrush entered phase 2. A talented sales manager can manage many direct reports working on different territories, different product lines, different verticals – all with different challenges and strategies. The talented sales manager can get his team productive quickly and then manage by pipeline. What if several entrepreneurs could share a VP of Sales? What if they could hire a less experienced sales person, and get premiere sales management and strategy – and pay a fraction of the cost. This is the concept of QuotaCrush.
Expert Sales Management for Start-ups.
QuotaCrush will also have some pretty cool sales software tools coming out so stay tuned.
For a full bio on Mark LaRosa visit www.marklarosa.com
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/marklarosa
Twitter: mlarosa